Help us Grow Rugby League
We believe that people in Brighton & Hove and the wider Sussex area should have the same opportunities to play Rugby League as people in the traditional heartlands of the sport.
If you love Rugby League as much as we do, then you want it to grow.
We’re building a sustainable Rugby League club, culture and community in Brighton & Hove and the wider Sussex area.
For us, growth means:
- More people playing Rugby League regularly in the county
- More kids getting the chance to try our fantastic sport at school
- More people playing touch, tag and X-League formats of the sport
- More people watching Rugby League
- More people coaching, refereeing or volunteering in other ways
- Better sporting opportunities for people in areas of deprivation across Brighton & Sussex

What is the Community Champion programme?
Your support will help us do more to grow the game, like running our Primary Tag Festivals in the picture below.
We want to get more people involved in Rugby League both within the city of Brighton & Hove but also into the wider Sussex county.

How to get involved
There are two main ways to become a Community Champion with Brighton & Hove Rugby League.
You can become an Owner of the club, which is a paid membership programme or you can Volunteer with the club. Or if you’re truly dedicated, you can do both!
Become an Owner
Our Ownership programme is £10/month, which goes towards community Rugby League projects in the local area.
When you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome pack with the following items:
- Community Champion Introduction
- Brighton & Hove Rugby League pin badge
- Brighton & Hove Rugby League reusable plastic pint cup
- Brighton & Hove Rugby League postcards
As a small way of saying thank you for your support.
Become a Volunteer
We know that building a strong team off the pitch is as important as building one on the pitch.
Volunteer Roles
We’re always on the lookout for people who want to be involved either on the Rugby side of things (e.g. coaches, referees, team managers, match day hospitality) but also people who can help us to keep growing the organisation.
Upcoming Projects
In addition to our regular roles, we’re also really keen to push the game further afield in Sussex. Here are a list of projects we’re hoping to work on over the next few years. If any of these projects sound exciting and you want to bring them to your area, then get in touch!
- Schools Competitions, especially at U12/U14/U16 (Y7-11), male and female
- More Social Rugby League (Tag, Touch & X-League) opportunities across Sussex
- More full contact Rugby League teams across Sussex
- Identify & qualify more Rugby League coaches and referees